



2018-12-7  來源:本站 點擊:

  In recent years Internet voting has become increasingly popular in China.People not only cast online votes themselves, but also urge others to vote for competitions like the"Most Beautiful Teacher"and the" Cutest Baby".
  Li Jiang, a high school student, is invited to vote in the "Best Police Officer" competition, organized by the local government to let the public have a better understanding of police officers'daily work. Li Jiang visits the website and reads all the stories. He is deeply moved by their glorious deeds. He is already thinking of becoming a policeman himself in the future.
  Su Hua is invited by his uncle to vote for his cousin in the" Future Singer"competition. He has already received three similar invitations this week. His uncle tells him that if his cousin wins the competition, the family will win an overseas tour for free. Su Hua likes his cousin very much, but he finds other singers perform even better. To vote or not to vote? This is a question that troubles him very much.
  Voting on the Internet is becoming more and more popular. Many people are invited to vote on some competitions. Some people can benefit from taking part in online voting, while some people are put into a dilemma over who they should vote for.
  I think that there are two major positive aspects of online voting as follows".For one thing, it can appeal to people taking an active part in all kinds of social events, For another, people can benefit from voting on the Internet,like Li Jiang mentioned in the passage, and get instant feedback.
  However, as far as' m concerned, online voting has begun to show its negative effects on people. Some people use their social networking resources to win competitions instead of counting on their own abilities, which obviously shows unfairness. What's more, sometimes online voting can make voters puzzled about who should be chosen.Which one is more important, emotion or fairness?To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of online voting into full play,and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of online voting.
 ?、賏re invited屬被動語態,作者運用多種表達法非常嫻熟,注重保持文章表達方式多樣性。
 ?、荛L句式亮點很多:soil networking、obviously、unfa-irness屬高級詞匯。which引導的非限定性定語從句,高級句式。
 ?、菽膫€更重要?作者以反問形式提出異議,充分顯示了辯證技巧。 emotion屬高級詞匯。
  678招生考試信息網認為作者在闡述網絡投票的優缺點時,每方面都列舉了兩個實例來證明,且每個事例都有詳細的解釋,不僅內容充實,理由也符合邏輯,充分顯示了作者豐富的辨證技巧和語言組織能力。高級句式如并列句、定語從句、反問句等運用則豐富了文章表達方式,間接提升文章層次,亮點之一。678招生考試網認為作者應用了高級詞匯如major、positiv、aspect、social networking、obviously、unfairness等運用則使闡述更精準,提升文章表達效果??傊?678招生信息網認為本篇滿分佳作做到了結構合理,論述詳細,符合邏輯,內容和細節兼顧,結構和層次清晰,各方面都堪稱完美。



